Both locations of the Campus Store will be closed for Inventory MARCH 25th - MARCH 31st
During this time:
- We will not be available to answer emails or phone calls.
- No departmental orders are able to be processed
- No web orders are able to be processed.
- Web Order pickup will remain open only for those who have received an email notifying them their order is ready.
- Used Book Buyback will be suspended
- Our Notre Dame Campus location will re-open on Tuesday April 1st at 9:00 am
- Our Exchange District Campus location will re-open on Tuesday April 1st at 9:00 am
ISBN: International Standard Book Number:
Unique to each item. If the ISBN provided on the Course Materials List (CML) does not match the book you have, they are not the same book. Located above the barcode on the back of the book.
SKU: Stock Keeping Unit
Used on items that are not books and therefore have no assigned ISBN. Like an ISBN they will be unique to the product. Located below the item’s barcode.
Different Edition
Course Materials List contains the edition of the book selected by the instructor, to find out if you can use a previous edition please speak to the instructor.
Terms you will see on the CML.
No Text: Program has indicated that they are not using a textbook for this course.
No Information at this time: The Campus Store has received no information from the program whether they are using a textbook or not.
Required: This item is required for the course. Students are unable to complete the course without it.
Choose One: When the required textbook is available as either a printed (bound) copy or as an eBook. You only need to purchase one version.
Optional: This item has information which the instructor has deemed to be beneficial to the student’s understanding of the topic, but it is not a required item to complete the course.
See Instructor: Before purchasing this item go to your first class. Your instructor has directions regarding the purchasing of this item.
Shrink Wrapped: Item is wrapped in plastic. Usually indicates an item of multiple components.
Bound: Item is a bound printed copy. Can be either a paperback or hardcover.
Digital Content: Item is digital, and you will be given a code to access it.
Looseleaf: Item is a printed copy that is 3 hole punched, enabling it to be put into a binder.